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Inherits: ILM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1, LM_PC_Staking_v1, OptimisticOracleIntegrator
Author: Inverter Network
Provides a mechanism for distributing rewards to stakers based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Extends {LM_PC_Staking_v1} and integrates with {OptimisticOracleIntegrator} to enable KPI-based reward distribution within the staking manager.
The number of KPIs created.
Registry of KPIsid -> KPI.
Registry of Assertion Configurations assertionId -> RewardRoundConfiguration.
For locking certain utilities when there are assertions open.
Storage gap for future upgrades.
See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
Returns the KPI with the given number.
Returns the Assertion Configuration for a given assertionId.
Returns the current KPI counter.
Returns the assertion pending flag.
Posts an assertion to the Optimistic Oracle, specifying the KPI to use and the asserted value.
about the asserter address: any address can be set as asserter, it will be expected to pay for the bond on posting. The bond tokens can also be deposited in the Module and used to pay for itself, but ONLY if the bond token is different from the one being used for staking. If the asserter is set to 0, whomever calls postAssertion will be paying the bond.
Deposits funds into the contract so it can pay for the oracle bond and fee itself.
Top up funds to pay the optimistic oracle fee
Creates a KPI for the Rewarder.
Stake a specified amount of tokens to earn rewards.
Should tokens already be staked, then the sending address will collect the rewards up until this point.
Deletes a stuck assertion.
This function is only callable by the Orchestrator Admin.
Callback function that is called by Optimistic Oracle V3 when an assertion is resolved.
Callback function that is called by Optimistic Oracle V3 when an assertion is disputed.
This OptimisticOracleV3 callback function needs to be defined so the OOv3 doesn't revert when it tries