Inherits: IOrchestratorFactory_v1, ERC2771ContextUpgradeable, Ownable2StepUpgradeable, ERC165Upgradeable
Author: Inverter Network
OrchestratorFactory_v1 facilitates the deployment of {Orchestrator_v1}s and their associated modules for the Inverter Network, ensuring seamless creation and configuration of various components in a single transaction.
Utilizes {ERC2771ContextUpgradeable} for meta-transaction capabilities and {ERC165Upgradeable} for interface detection. {Orchestrator_v1}s are deployed through EIP-1167 minimal proxies for efficiency. Integrates with the module factory to instantiate necessary modules with custom configurations, supporting complex setup with interdependencies among modules.
State Variables
Returns the {IOrchestrator_v1} {IInverterBeacon_v1} address.
Returns the {IModuleFactory_v1} implementation address.
Maps the id
to the {Orchestrator_v1}s.
The counter of the current {Orchestrator_v1} id
Starts counting from 1.
Maps a users address to a nonce. Used for the create2-based deployment.
Storage gap for future upgrades.
See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
Modifier to guarantee that the given id is valid.
The factories initializer function.
Name | Type | Description |
| The address of the {Governor_v1} contract. |
| The address of the {IInverterBeacon_v1} containing the {Orchestrator_v1} implementation. |
| The address of the {ModuleFactory_v1} contract. |
Creates a new {Orchestrator_v1}.
Name | Type | Description |
| The workflow's config data. |
| The config data for the orchestrator's {IFundingManager_v1} instance. |
| The config data for the {Orchestrator_v1}'s {IAuthorizer_v1} instance. |
| The config data for the orchestrator's {IPaymentProcessor_v1} instance. |
| Variable length set of optional module's config data. |
Name | Type | Description |
| CreatedOrchestrator Returns the created orchestrator instance |
Returns the {IOrchestrator_v1} address that corresponds to the given id.
Name | Type | Description |
| The requested orchestrator's id. |
Name | Type | Description |
| orchestratorAddress The address of the corresponding {Orchestrator_v1}. |
Returns the counter of the current {Orchestrator_v1} id.
Name | Type | Description |
| id The id of the next created {Orchestrator_v1}. |
Creates the modules based on their `moduleConfigs`.
Name | Type | Description |
| The config data of the modules that will be created with this function call. |
| The address of the {Orchestrator_v1} Proxy that will be linked to the modules. |
| The workflow's config data. |
Internal function to initialize the modules.
Name | Type | Description |
| The modules to initialize. |
| The config data of the modules that will be initialized. |
| The address of the {Orchestrator_v1} Proxy that will be linked to the modules. |
Internal function to generate salt for the create2-based deployment flow. This salt is the hash of (msgSender, nonce), where the nonce is an increasing number for each user.
Needs to be overridden, because they are imported via the Ownable2Step as well.
Needs to be overridden, because they are imported via the Ownable2Step as well.
Last updated