
Importance of the Orchestrator

The Orchestrator lies at the core of the Inverter Protocol. It defines the structure relationships of any specific workflow deployment.

It lists all active Modules and handles the addition and removal of new modules on a live deployment while enabling direct calls via the executeTxFromModule() function. In addition, it also stores relevant metadata and, crucially, specifies which modules are responsible for the core functions of the system:

  • Management of Funds (IFundingManger)

  • Authorization (IAuthorizer)

  • Processing of Payments (IPaymentProcessor)

Modules in charge of these functionalities must implement the specific interfaces on which the system can rely.

Implementation Interface

The Orchestrator implements the IOrchestrator Interface. In addition, since it inherits the ModulesManagerBase contract, it also implements the IModuleManagerBase Interface.

The core functionalities of these interfaces are:

  • initiate[Action]WithTimelock

  • cancel[Action]Update

  • execute[Action]

These functions manage adding and removing Modules as well as swapping out the core Modules of a workflow. There is one variant for each core Module (setAuthorizer, setFundingManager, setPaymentProcessor), and general "addModule/removeModule" for logic Modules.

  • executeTxFromModule : Allows one Module to call a different module to perform a transaction.

  • executeTx: General transaction execution for the Orchestrator, for example, to rescue funds.

For an example Orchestrator implementation, please refer to the [Protocol Github]

Orchestrator Features and Functionalities

  • Module Management: The Orchestrator is in charge of adding and removing Modules, as well as specifying which Modules will perform the core functionalities of the workflow.

  • Call Execution: The Orchestrator is not only able to execute arbitrary calls for itself but also enables Modules to perform calls on other Modules inside the same workflow

  • Workflow Data: The Orchestrator has a set of getters to easily query the full Module list, Core Workflow Modules, and other metadata relevant to the deployment.

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