Module Library

What is the Module Library

The Module Library features a collection of audited, trusted modules accessible through our workflow factory. Managed through our governance mechanism the library facilitates easy deployment of workflow contracts.

Contributions to the Module Library

Interest in contributing to the Inverter Protocol contracts is valued, as each contribution enhances the protocol's robustness and usability. Open-source projects like this depend on community collaboration to thrive. Contributions of all sizes help advance the collective goals.

Please see our Contribution Guidelines for more information.



This module defines and enforces the system's permission structure. It specifies the different roles and actions each stakeholder is allowed to take. Stakeholders can be users or other modules.

Funding Managers:

This module holds the funds of each workflow and manages user deposits and withdrawals. In addition to the basic functionality, the Funding Manager module ultimately takes the role of a Primary Issuance Market (PIM), enabling dynamic token issuance and redemption based on predefined algorithms and market conditions.

Payment Processors:

This module receives and processes payment orders from other modules. It acts as a funnel through which all the value outflows of the system can be managed. It implements the individual distribution policy of the workflows’ token economy, handling the monetary flows that are taking place.

Logic Modules:

This category includes the remaining modules in the system. They implement the individual utility policies of the workflows’ token economy, defining the conditions under which certain monetary flows occur.

Last updated