Bounty Manager

Module Category: Logic Module

Smart Contract Name: LM_PC_Bounties_v1


The Bounty Manager module offers a structured way to manage bounties, enabling users to propose, update, and claim payouts for bounties in a secure and transparent manner. It integrates seamlessly within a workflow, allowing for dynamic bounty management and secure payment processing.

Module Purpose

  • Manage Bounties: Create and update bounties with specific requirements and payment ranges.

  • Process Claims: Securely process and verify claims to ensure contributors are compensated appropriately.

  • Role-based Access Control: Assign roles like Bounty Issuer, Claimant, and Verifier to manage different aspects of bounties and claims, ensuring that only authorized users can perform certain actions.

Module Interactions

  • For Bounty Administrators:

    • Create a Bounty: Specify bounty details along with minimum and maximum payout amounts.

    • Lock Bounty: Close a bounty to new submissions, suitable for tasks meant to be completed once.

    • Grant Admin Roles: Assign or revoke administrative privileges.

  • For Bounty Submitters:

    • Submit and Update Claim: Submit claims for bounties, including details and contributors' information.

    • Add and Edit Contributors: Manage contributor details for a bounty claim.

  • For Bounty Verifiers:

    • Verify Claim: Review and approve claims to trigger payouts, ensuring compliance with bounty requirements.

Last updated