The Inverter Protocol

Key Architecture Features

The design and functionality of the Inverter Protocol are shaped by its high and low-level requirements:

  • Modular Architecture: Ensures flexibility and scalability, allowing users to tailor the protocol to their specific needs without extensive redevelopment.

  • Governed Module Library: Maintains a secure and verified collection of modules that can be utilized within the protocol, ensuring reliability and safety.

  • Interoperability and Compatibility: Prioritizes seamless integration with other DeFi applications, enhancing utility across various platforms.

  • Security Mechanisms: Implements robust security protocols, including audits and secure contract development practices to protect user transactions and data.

Architecture Components

The architecture of the Inverter Protocol consists of several key components, each integral to the protocol’s functionality:

  • Core Orchestrator Contract: Central contract that coordinates the interactions between various modules, ensuring efficient operation and protocol integrity.

  • Module Types and Interfaces: Defines the standard interfaces for modules to ensure compatibility and smooth integration.

  • Beacon Proxy Pattern: Utilized for updates across the system, this pattern reduces the need for redeploying contracts when updating module logic.

  • Deployment Factories: Allow for permissionless deployments of all the contracts of the workflow.

Architecture Diagram

Workflow Model

Each Inverter Protocol workflow comprises various modules to ensure comprehensive functionality:

  • Orchestrator: Acts as the central system that integrates all modules, managing their interactions and workflows.

  • Authorizer: Controls access and permissions across the protocol, ensuring that only authorized operations are executed.

  • Funding Manager: Manages the inflow of assets into the workflow.

  • Payment Processor: Handles the distribution and processing of payments according to the defined business rules.

  • Logic Modules: Execute the specific business logic required by different use cases within the protocol.

For further details on how these components operate within the protocol, please visit our Workflow Model Page.

Last updated