Payment Processor

Importance of the Payment Processor Module

The Payment Processor module type is a crucial component of the Inverter Protocol, designed to manage outflows from workflows and facilitate the execution of payment orders. This module is integral to the orchestration of financial transactions across various modules, ensuring that payments are processed accurately and efficiently.

Implementation Interface

The Payment Processor Module implements the IPaymentProcessor interface, which primarily includes the following functions:

  • processPayments(module): Fetches and processes payment orders from specified modules.

  • cancelRunningPayments(module): Cancels any ongoing payment orders from specified modules.

For examples of Payment Processor implementations, please refer to the Modules Library Page.

General Payment Processor Features and Functionalities

  • Payment Order Management: Manages the lifecycle of payment orders, ensuring that all payments are executed according to the predefined conditions.

  • Execution of Financial Transactions: Facilitates the execution of payments, managing the outflow of tokens or funds from the workflow.

  • Cancellation and Adjustment of Payments: Provides mechanisms to cancel or adjust ongoing payments, enhancing the flexibility and control over financial transactions within the ecosystem.

Last updated